
How to Apply

Admission Process

Our mission is to provide families in our local area with services that support their needs in a community that cares. We provide learning opportunities that empower the whole family. Our services include a summer program for males that provide opportunities to learn how to successfully grow into manhood. Our afterschool program focus on literacy skills that will help students become proficient in the areas of reading comprehension, and writing. The virtual learning program assist children and their families in navigating the complexities of their new normal in education.

Simply apply below by completing our online admission form.


Parent Letter

Growing into Manhood Curriculum: The curriculum is a social-emotional learning curriculum for African American young men ages 11 – 17. Designed for African American men by a team of African American leaders, the curriculum provides both mentoring and life skill development. The Growing Into Manhood curriculum supports the educational and life skill goals of all African American males. The textbook, filled with African American culture and history, is engaging and captivating.